A New Set of Awards

So… I’ve been nominated for a few awards by Allwin and I am out of words to thank him this time 🙂 Still thanks a lot Allwin I am really grateful that you considered me competent enough to receive them 😀

So without wasting any more time, these are the awards he nominated me for..


Post 11 things about yourself

Answer 11 questions set by the nominator

Choose 11 deserving bloggers meeting the criteria

Set 11 questions for them.

Inform the nominee by commenting on one of their posts.


Display the Award Certificate on your website.

Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented you with the award

Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers

Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post

Post 7 interesting things about yourself.


If you are nominated you must include the link in a blog, linking to the person/blog that nominated you.

You must answer some questions and nominate 10 fellow bloggers and link their blogs in your post.

Let the people you have nominated know that you have nominated them

The Nominee of the Wonderful Team member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her post/page and/or sidebar

The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days (1 week) – this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be ALL on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, etc.

The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.

The Nominee shall make these rules, or amended rules keeping to the spirit of the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, known to each reader s/he nominates.

The Nominee must finish this sentence and post: ”A Great reader is…”

Okay so…I don’t think I can follow the whole set of rules as they are but lets see..


1. I absolutely love chocolate…I can seriously kill for it 😉

2. I’m super allergic to dust…I get all runny nose and red eyes 😦

3. There was a time when even my dog hated my cooking 😀

4. I love cuddling with my dog…she is my personal teddy bear

5. As a child I hated barbies

6. When I was in school some of my friends would call me “Little Miss Perfect”

7. I’ve never seen a beach in my life 😦

8. I hate waking up early

9. I can’t function without tea 😦 I tend to get grumpy if I don’t get a cup

10. My roommate is probably sick of my mood swings but she puts up with me anyways..a perfect angel I’ll say 🙂

11. I am very..and I mean VERY short tempered

Now to answer Allwin’s questions…

1. Who is your favorite blogger? No diplomatic answers. You HAVE to single out one.

I don’t know why you wanted to ask this question cuz it is really hard 😦 Still one blogger I love the most is Mumsy.

2. Recommend me a book

Umm..if I had my way then I’d say Harry Potter as I’m a loyal fan but I guess you must have read it so I’ll say “A Walk Across the Sun” by Corban Addison.

3. Recommend me a movie

Considering that I’m a big fan of gore I can recommend you a slasher movie anytime but I don’t know what you like watching so I’ll recommend “Mother of Mine”  a Finnish-Swedish film directed by Klaus Härö.

4. Which movie/TV character do you most closely associate yourself with?

I don’t know..never really thought about it..

5. When is your birthday?

27th September

6. When was the last time you played the air guitar?

Two days 😀 A favourite way of passing time for me and my brother 🙂

7. What was your childhood nickname?

I didn’t have a nickname but people sometimes called me Appy.

8.  Have you ever searched for your own name on Google?

No….but my friends have 😀

9. If you could punch one person in the face who’s in your life then who would it be?

Many…seriously I have a damn list of people 😉

10. Did you enjoy answering my random questions?

Yup I did 🙂

11. Which was your favorite question?

Eleventh one 😛

My nominations would be….







Here are my set of questions…..

1. What inspires you to write?

2. If you were given a superpower what would it be and why?

3.What is the worst prank you ever played on someone?

4. What are you scared of?

5. What is your favorite cartoon character?

6. If there was one thing you could change in yourself what would it be?

7. If you had to dye your hair what color will you choose?

8. What is your dream vacation?

9. What habit of people irritates you the most?

10. At what age did you start writing?

11. Finally… do you like my blog? (please be honest)

Last but not the least…

A  great reader is…

According to me a great reader is the one who will not just read a specific genera of books. One who will read a variety of books whether fiction or non-fiction without any judgement.

I hope I didn’t bore you with my incessant rantings.. God bless 🙂

The Missy Award..

It was weeks ago that Amber nominated me for this award and I am just too lazy to have accepted it on time 😦 Sorry for the delay Amber..

Soooooo here is the award..

Thank you Amber for believeing in me and considering me worthy enough *hugs*

The Missy Award is presented to those bloggers who support
and advocate for animals either in the blog as a whole or a blog post.
They can be animal lovers, vegetarian, vegan, rescue workers,
doesn’t matter it’s all about the animals.

I will just want to dedicate this award to my dog Zoe…she is like the cutest dog in the whole world and my personal cuddle toy. She lives with my parents and I really miss her here at the hostel 😦 I love you a lot girl ❤ She made me realize that you haven’t seen true love unless you’ve been captured by the love of this furry little creature 🙂 Moving on..

The Rules are:

1- You must post the Award Picture onto your blog–but who doesn’t love putting award pictures on their blog?!!!

2- Link back to http://ivonnemontijo.wordpress.com/

3-And answer two questions.

  • What inspires or motivates you to write?
  • Why do you love animals?

4-Nominate other worthy bloggers or just simply accept the award and do #’s 1-3

Okies so 1 and 2 done now with the questions

  • I find inspiration in the people around me. Every one is unique in his own way and they have so much to teach and share.
  • I dunno…maybe because they are pure. They are above the greed and hate of humankind.

So I guess this is it. Keep happy and stay blessed 🙂



A few days back a fellow blogger of mine Allwin Bright nominated me for not one but two blogger awards.

It took me a while to finally post this because of my on going exams but here I am finally accepting the

two awards he nominated me for.

I am highly honored that Allwin felt I deserved these awards and I would like to thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Here is a link to his blog:


Do visit his blog and read through his heartfelt posts,

The rules that need to be followed are:

Display the Award Certificate on your website

Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award

Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers

Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post

Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

So here are my nominations…





Seven things about myself are…

1. I love the color black.

2.I am deadly addicted to chocolates.

3.I am very short tempered

4.I am a bit claustrophobic

5.I seem to have two left feet 😦

6.I absolutely adore my pet dog

7.I am not a morning person at all..

First Nomination of this year……

I am really honored to receive the first award for this year

“The Gargie  Award” by Meiro. She is a wonderful writer

do check out her blogs at


I am sure you would love her as much as I do. Thanks a lot again Meiro 🙂

 And the rules which need to followed:

1.  Display the award badge on your site.

2.  Publish a post to inform the world of your great achievement

3.  Nominate some fellow bloggers (who have been outstanding in their field
or perhaps who you admire)

4.  Indicate to your nominees that they have received the award… provided
you have completed step three.


So here are my nominations…




These are the few blogs I have only recently started following but I really admire them all

and I hope you will too.


Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Meiro…

I am really honored to receive this award from Meiro this is her link..


She is a very inspiring blogger herself and I am honored to be nominated by her 🙂

Here are my nominations for this award….





The Rules are:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven things about myself…..

1.I am a medical student.

2.I love chocolates.

3.I’ve always wanted to visit Germany someday.

4.Winter is my favourite season, I really love the snow 🙂

5.I am highly allergic to dust.

6.Sometimes I get a bit claustrophobic.

7.I’m in love with the Harry Potter series, practically cried after reading the last book.

So thank you Meiro once again for this award and a very Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!

The One Lovely Blog Award from ramblingsfromamum


I would like to thank ramblingsfromamum for nominating me for this award 🙂 It is the first ever award I’ve received and I’m really honored since I am pretty new to the site and I’ve just really started writing. So thanks a lot ramblingsfromamum and this is the link to her site


She is a wonderful writer and writes from her heart. Please visit her site if you haven’t yet. I fell in love with her writing instatly and I hope you will too 🙂

Okay so 7 things about myself..

  • I am just your average girl who has a passion for writing.
  • I am a medical student and I aspire to become a successful neurosurgeon someday.
  • I can be pretty moody at times and I’m kind of short tempered.
  • I love to cook and I absolutely love chocolates.
  • I’m a die hard fan of the Harry Potter series since that is what got me hooked to reading.
  • I would love to visit Germany someday.
  • My friends say that sarcasm is my best and my worst trait.

So everything being said here are my nominations for the Award…


It is a really beautiful post and I love the way she portrays her emotions here.


I really love the way she perceives life.


I’m sure you are going to love this one.

Finally here are the rules..

  1. Post the Award somewhere on your blog
  2. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog
  3. Tell anywhere from 7 to 10 things about yourself
  4. Nominate anywhere from 3 to unlimited others for the Award
  5. And of course, let the nominees know they have been nominated

Finally I want to thank all my readers for their constant support and love. God bless 🙂