My Son would Never Rape a Woman

Epiphany in the Cacophony

sad-alone-cute-girl-waiting-someone-window My son would never rape a woman. It is brutal, disgusting and immoral. He simply isn’t capable of such a thing. She has obviously enticed him. __________________________________________________________

She was at the club when it happened. Short black dress, tall black drink. She stood in the middle of the dance floor, moved her hips slowly. She made eye contact with him. She even smiled. He walked up to her and asked her to meet him at his car. When she declined, he grabbed her arm.
And what a scene she created! She fought, screamed and kicked. You want this, he told her as he pulled her out of the club. NO, she screamed, yelling as he dragged her to his car. You don’t know what you want, you’re drunk.

She sat alone in the parking lot a few hours later. Disgusting girl, she reeked of smoke and alcohol. What…

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Raising Your Voice

I guess us women have been silently suffering for too long..time to raise our voice..


A girl aged 11, on her way to attend her cousin’s wedding, sat next to the driver in an overcrowded jeep. The driver drove the jeep with his right hand while keeping the left one on her thighs. She felt uneasy but didn’t know what was wrong. It was only when she grew up she realized what he did  and she hated herself for letting that happen, for not raising her voice. Memories of that day still haunt her.

She turned 18, and was on her way to college in a bus, when a man nearly in his fifties, sat next to her and started asking her about the city. She politely answered his questions. But after few minutes, the same man kept his hand on her thighs. Memories of the jeep driver came seeping into her mind. She was scared, while he kept touching her. In a low voice she asked him to…

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Love and Other Things


Desires, that are hard to ignore,

Sorrows, are in thousands galore,

Love, and there is no one to pour,

Heart, and so many scratches on door,

Forever, the word seems so small,

Heights of everything, I am afraid to fall,

Mistakes, done on your every call,

Anger, and I have so much to gall,

Misconception, widely accepted,

Changes,that are never expected,

Feelings, so brutally rejected,

Loneliness, but still connected…

This is something I wrote with my bff..she is a sweet heart and this post is dedicated to her 🙂

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I never knew it felt so good,

This sweet friction: cold metal on skin;

The ragged blades create a deep crevasse,

The pure satisfaction takes you in.

I watch as the ruddy drops fall down slowly,

Creating a vast ocean of red;

What was once the life coursing through my veins,

Is now the remnant of my pain and dread.

I feel my heart beat slowing down,

The sound now echoes through the room;

I’m wondering why I feel no pain,

Is it supposed to end so soon?

No remorse, no guilt, no sorrow,

I lie as blissful sleep takes over;

Flashes of my life passes me by,

As I count my pulse, now getting slower.

Thats it, this is the end I know,

I feel the darkness pull me in;

Don’t cry for me when i’m gone,

This is me commiting my sweetest sin.

P.s. This is a repost of a…

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You make me smile when I’m feeling down,
I throw these fits but you never frown;
You’re a little piece of my dreams come true,
You’re the reason everyday I feel brand new.

You think I’m pretty even drenched in rain,
My makeup spoiled, my face all stained;
You laugh at all my senseless jokes,
Buy me chocolates even though you’re broke.

You can hear me ramble all night long,
And God knows for that you gotta be strong;
You always come wash away my tears,
Everytime you’re beside me I know that you care.

Every step I take you’re always there,
You tell me to move on without a fear;
You leave me restless when you’re not around,
Loving you is a miracle that I’ve found.

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Would You?

Would you still love me

if I told you I wasn’t perfect.

Would you hold me tight

if I told you I was weak.

Would you wrap me in your arms

and tell me I’m alright.

Would you let my tears stain your shirt

when your arms are what I seek.

Would you steal away my pain

and help me heal this broken heart.

Would you whisper sweet nothings

just to see me smile.

Would you stay with me forever

and never let me fall apart.

Would you still love me

if I told you I was damaged beyond repair.

Would you still love me

or just let me go.

Would you be there for me

I wish there was a way to know..

The One Lovely Blog Award from ramblingsfromamum


I would like to thank ramblingsfromamum for nominating me for this award 🙂 It is the first ever award I’ve received and I’m really honored since I am pretty new to the site and I’ve just really started writing. So thanks a lot ramblingsfromamum and this is the link to her site

She is a wonderful writer and writes from her heart. Please visit her site if you haven’t yet. I fell in love with her writing instatly and I hope you will too 🙂

Okay so 7 things about myself..

  • I am just your average girl who has a passion for writing.
  • I am a medical student and I aspire to become a successful neurosurgeon someday.
  • I can be pretty moody at times and I’m kind of short tempered.
  • I love to cook and I absolutely love chocolates.
  • I’m a die hard fan of the Harry Potter series since that is what got me hooked to reading.
  • I would love to visit Germany someday.
  • My friends say that sarcasm is my best and my worst trait.

So everything being said here are my nominations for the Award…

It is a really beautiful post and I love the way she portrays her emotions here.

I really love the way she perceives life.

I’m sure you are going to love this one.

Finally here are the rules..

  1. Post the Award somewhere on your blog
  2. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog
  3. Tell anywhere from 7 to 10 things about yourself
  4. Nominate anywhere from 3 to unlimited others for the Award
  5. And of course, let the nominees know they have been nominated

Finally I want to thank all my readers for their constant support and love. God bless 🙂

When in Love…


I don’t dream of Prince Charming on a white horse nor do I desire vampires in silver Volvo, those are fairy tale stuff. I don’t mind having  normal guy who has a simple life, a boring 9 to 5 job and maybe a lazy dog who does nothing but sleep the whole day. There are things I know which happen only in movies or fiction stories, but still I can’t help myself fantasizing about some of them. I mean a girl deserves some amount of mushy, lovey-dovey stuff  in her love life right?

I want to feel butterflies in my stomach every time I see him. I wanna wake up next to him every morning, to know that nothing could be more perfect than that very moment. When he takes me in his arms, I want to feel like I’m home, that this is where I belong. I don’t want expensive gifts or fancy diamonds, those are the last things on my mind. I would be happier if he would cook for me or maybe leave me small love notes here and there.

I want him to make me feel special, to tell me how much he loves me everyday. When I’m in love I want to be happy all the time, to have a smile on my face and to feel like the world suddenly became  a perfect place. I want to feel good about myself, more confident and positive. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. After all a woman would do anything for the guy she loves, so it is only fair that she gets showered with affection and care. What are your fantasies regarding love? What do you imagine your love life to be like?