Let Me Sleep

You do not know mother,
how hard it has been:
to love as people go
taking pieces of me as they leave.
You cannot know,
what it does to me.
To be emptying stomach
in bright lit places.
Sleeping with strangers,
burning my insides,
just to sleep.
I feel mother you sorrow,
I failed myself too: 
As my face falls,
I watch just as helpless as you.
Collecting hair
from crimson rivulets
over ceramics,
and father’s hopes,
off marred skin.
Let me sleep mother,
for a while more; 
It’ll pass,
let’s hope.
-Courtesy of a very good friend and writer 🙂

For my Mom

Every time I’m down, I think of you

Every time I lose, I think of you

Every time I’m faced with a tough task, I think of you

Do you know why?

Because it reminds me of a strong individual who never let anything put her down

Happy Birthday to the most dynamic and strong personality I have known in my life!

Love and Other Things


Desires, that are hard to ignore,

Sorrows, are in thousands galore,

Love, and there is no one to pour,

Heart, and so many scratches on door,

Forever, the word seems so small,

Heights of everything, I am afraid to fall,

Mistakes, done on your every call,

Anger, and I have so much to gall,

Misconception, widely accepted,

Changes,that are never expected,

Feelings, so brutally rejected,

Loneliness, but still connected…

This is something I wrote with my bff..she is a sweet heart and this post is dedicated to her 🙂

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I Dream

If only you were mine,

I would know how to live.

I’d keep you in my heart,

And give you all that I can give.

If only you were mine,

Things wouldn’t have to be this way.

Breathing would come easier,

This pain would go away.

If only you were mine,

Wouldn’t have to stay up every night.

With bloodshot eyes and tear stained face,

This war with loneliness, I wouldn’t have to fight.

If only you were mine,

There would be only you.

If only you were mine,

Oh how I wish that was true.

If only………

The Missy Award..

It was weeks ago that Amber nominated me for this award and I am just too lazy to have accepted it on time 😦 Sorry for the delay Amber..

Soooooo here is the award..

Thank you Amber for believeing in me and considering me worthy enough *hugs*

The Missy Award is presented to those bloggers who support
and advocate for animals either in the blog as a whole or a blog post.
They can be animal lovers, vegetarian, vegan, rescue workers,
doesn’t matter it’s all about the animals.

I will just want to dedicate this award to my dog Zoe…she is like the cutest dog in the whole world and my personal cuddle toy. She lives with my parents and I really miss her here at the hostel 😦 I love you a lot girl ❤ She made me realize that you haven’t seen true love unless you’ve been captured by the love of this furry little creature 🙂 Moving on..

The Rules are:

1- You must post the Award Picture onto your blog–but who doesn’t love putting award pictures on their blog?!!!

2- Link back to http://ivonnemontijo.wordpress.com/

3-And answer two questions.

  • What inspires or motivates you to write?
  • Why do you love animals?

4-Nominate other worthy bloggers or just simply accept the award and do #’s 1-3

Okies so 1 and 2 done now with the questions

  • I find inspiration in the people around me. Every one is unique in his own way and they have so much to teach and share.
  • I dunno…maybe because they are pure. They are above the greed and hate of humankind.

So I guess this is it. Keep happy and stay blessed 🙂


Family Portrait

A shattered family portrait

A pillow stained with tears

The raised voices and shattered hopes

As innocence simply stares.

I’m scared daddy please don’t fight

I just can’t take it no more

Why can’t we be a happy family

Just like we were before.

I close myself and shut them out

As I hear her silently weep

I find a sanctuary in my bed

And cry myself to sleep.

No, mommy please don’t cry

Look what I made for you

I swear I’d be a good girl

Together we’ll make it through.