Searching for true love..

I have spent a lot of my time worrying about true love. Who will he be? When will I find him? Will he like me?  I used to think that it was the hardest thing to do but then this very evening I saw a mother give birth to her baby while posted in the OBGYN department. She had been in labor for hours, was in pain, exhausted and there was a lot of blood 😦

Finally she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Then it happened…she looked at her child for the first time and that look on her face was pure love; love for her newborn baby. It felt like she had momentarily forgotten all about her pain and despair; like her baby was the center of her world and nothing else mattered. It was then I realized that I had already found true love the dayΒ I was born.

The first thing I did after that was to call my mom and tell her how much I loved her.Β I don’t know why we spend years trying to find the meaning of love when it is right there in front of us.Β Β A mother’s love is unconditional and one that is easily ignored by us. If you haven’t told your mom what she means to you, I request you do it today. Tell her how much you appreciate everything that she has done for you. It will make her day I can assure you.


10 comments on “Searching for true love..

  1. simplyMohit says:

    Simple, sweet and honest……words that describe both – A mother’s love and your post πŸ™‚

  2. Harsha says:

    Mother’s are the One who teaches are everything right from the day we born,Certainly they are like Gods…

    Lovely Post.. πŸ™‚

  3. Oh you know you touch my heart when you write like this. Especially telling others to contact their mum to tell her she is loved. I don’t think I have heard it from my girls in a long time.. they will say on a text ‘luv ya’ but not in words to my face, which makes me sad. So yes, everyone who is still fortunate to have their mother still with them – let her know how much you care and love her… please. Thanks honey for this lovely reminder. xx

    • Thanks Mumsy πŸ™‚ I’m sure your girls love you a lot. We kids aren’t always very expressive…we get so busy with our lives that we forget the importance of little things that makes life beautiful. A simple hug and a love you to my mom makes her so very happy; a happiness no amount of money can buy πŸ™‚ So I’ll do it and tell you how much I love and adore you Mumsy, you’ve always been there for me and I want to thank you for that. *hugs*

  4. iamforchange says:

    Love is indeed a beautiful thing.. you have shared much here and with all of us through your words and actions. You are very fortunate as are we all to have such a mom as she is lucky to have such a beautiful and loving daughter! Thanks for the lovely post and for being such an awesome friend! πŸ™‚

  5. Rekha says:

    Your Mom would have wanted to hug you right then and there. Beautiful and true! πŸ™‚

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